Crumpler’s photo bags offer unique designs that fit active outdoor photographer’s needs.
Camera equipment is an essential part of many outdoor adventure sport junkie’s gear. Large digital SLR cameras can be heavy and while they are great to have with you on an adventure, they require extensive padding to protect them against the abuses they often endure. While some camera bags offer good protection, many lack in ergonomic design or offer little space for the rest of your gear.
That’s one of the reasons why we liked Crumpler’s redesigned Sinking Barge SI pack. At 15 liters (915 cubic inches) it’s just the right size for many Fresh Air Junkies who document their adventures with plenty of photos.
The Sinking Barge SI is a medium sized bag that’s no larger than a typical day pack. It can hold two camera bodies, two or three lenses and accessories in the main bottom compartment. The company’s Snake Divider inserts are heavily padded and allow you to easily customize the space to wrap around and protect your equipment.
The top compartment has been redesigned to include a removable padded camera sack that contains more space, and Snake Dividers, for additional camera gear if you need it. The sack can be pulled out, and you have ample cargo space for the rest of your day hiking gear. Behind the pull-out sack, is a heavily padded pocket (10.63 x 13.78 x 10.24-inches) that can hold up to a 15.4-inch laptop that remains heavily protected with a top closing flap.

The Sinking Barge has a tough, water resistant 900D outer shell. But if you expect more bad weather, the newly revamped Sinking Barge now includess a much needed rain hood. The bag’s shoulder straps are well padded, as is the back. And there’s lots of zipped and mesh pockets that can hold a variety of items, such as a one-liter water bottle on each side of the pack.
During our excursions, the Sinking Barge seemed a little rigid and nonconforming to the body. With a durable outer shell and lots of padding however, it was comforting to know that its rigidity protects your gear from banging against rocks and ledges on narrow trails, through sandstone canyons, and while scrambling over large boulders.
While the shoulder straps are comfortable, don’t wear a tank top with it. The strap’s heavy duty nylon shell rubs against your shoulders and makes it uncomfortable after a few hours. The waist strap adjusts nicely and keeps the pack from moving from side to side while scrambling over rocks, but a slightly wider strap might offer more load comfort.
We really liked the bag’s front opening compartment that makes it quick and easy to access camera gear. The rest of your gear stays put in the top compartment so you don’t have to move items aside to get to what you want.
Our test model came in Olive/Orange, but it’s also available in Black/Gun Metal Gray and Purple/Light Purple colors. At a retail price ranging from $200-$225, the Crumpler Sinking Barge is a heavy duty pack for enthusiasts and pros that want some of the best protection available in an outdoor-styled pack.
By Dan Sanchez

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