Two golfers set out to test performance fabrics in extreme conditions, and wind up as outdoor sport enthusiasts.
The game of golf isn’t typically one that outdoor adventure sport junkies are addicted to. But what happens when you take two golfers, and put them in extreme conditions? According to Lindsay Knowlton and Josh Sullivan, two Adidas employees who were picked to journey around the world, and play on some of the most extreme golf courses, you end up with a couple of new adventure sport aficionados.
Knowlton and Sullivan were sent to test Adidas’ golf wear in the most extreme conditions that can be found on courses such as Alice Springs, Australia, where temperatures reach 112 degrees, and the LaPaz Golf Club in Bolivia, that sits 10,814 feet above sea level.
“We knew this adventure would face us with both amazing and challenging moments,”says Knowlton. “It was extreme in every sense. We started the trip barely knowing one another, traveled to every climate imaginable, were challenged with adventures like mountain biking the El Camino De La Muerte (Death Road) in Bolivia, and Shark Diving in Australia. To top it off we played the most extreme golf courses the planet has to offer.”

“The preparation was all about arming ourselves with the correct Adidas golf apparel and footwear for the conditions we were going to face, along with having the right attitude,” explained Sullivan. “We believe that both golf and everything else in life is 90 percent mental.”
After experiencing mountain biking down the “Death Road” in Bolivia, both Knowlton and Sullilvan quickly began to appreciate what adventure sport enthusiasts love about the outdoors. “The rush we felt when we rode our bikes down the adrenaline pumping Death Road was the most nervous, intense feeling we’ve ever had,” said Knowlton. ” The challenge we faced was met with a sheer feeling of accomplishment once we had completed what we deem to be the most difficult thing we have ever done.”
“Adventure sport athletes are still crazy,” Sullivan explained further. “But we now know why it is that they do what they do. There is an indescribable rush that comes from putting yourself in a potentially life threatening position (and surviving) knowing that your fate rests entirely in your own hands.”
“This was the case at Death Road,” Sullivan said. “It’s a 64 kilometer mountain bike adventure that goes from 11,000 feet in elevation down to 2,000 feet. You ride down a 10 foot wide, wet, unpaved road with sheer cliff walls, waterfalls, and a 2,000-foot vertical drop on your left.”
Although it was difficult to see any connection between golf and outdoor adventure sports at first, Knowlton soon saw some similarities after this experience. “This is probably why so many adventure athletes flock to the game of golf,” she says. “Golf is a sport that you can enjoy by yourself or with friends, but when it comes down to making a six-foot putt on four cocktails at the 19th hole, its just you the ball and the hole, and your fate is in your own hands.”
While both seem to love their adventure and are now somewhat addicted and ready to take on another challenge, the goal of their trip was to find out how the Adidas apparel performed in each condition. “We played golf in extreme temperatures; both very hot in Alice Springs, Australia and freezing cold in Ushuaia, Argentina,” Sulllivan explained. “What’s great is that Adidas Golf makes apparel and footwear that is designed to maximize your body’s potential in any environment.”
“In Alice Springs we faced extreme heat and we can say without fail that moisture wicking, breathability, weight, and flexibility are the most important elements required from your golf apparel,” said Knowlton. “We were incredibly fortunate to be wearing our adidas golf ClimaCool products that feature CoolMax Extreme technology so that our focus was not on keeping our bodies cool and comfortable, but rather executing our next golf shot.”
“For our cold weather experience we were scripted in ClimaWarm Thermal compression which acted like a second layer of skin and kept our muscles warm,” says Sullivan. “A ClimaLite Warm Layering Top provided both warmth and breathability, and ClimaProof Wind/Warm outerwear which blocked out the wet snow and wind, still allowed for the athletic movement of the golf swing.”
It’s evident that the experience, which took place over 31 days has been a life-changing experience. “This adventure has given us a deeper appreciation for the game of golf,” Knwolton explained. “Golf does not care how old or young you are, the color of your skin, how much money you have, or what your family background is. When you stand on the first tee everyone is equal. This was especially evident in South Africa where we held a junior clinic for underprivileged children. For them golf is a chance to escape their challenging environment and potentially provide a future that may not otherwise be possible. We are honored to be a part of such an incredible game.”
For more inforation on Knowlton and Sullivan’s journey, including blog entries and video clips, visit For additional information on the fabrics that kept them comfortable during their journey, visit
Article and interview By Dan Sanchez Images Provided By The Bromley Group
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