The Timex WS4 Expedition we waited for!
What Timex has accomplished in the WS4 Expedition wrist watch just got better with the WS4 Carabiner. The WS4 Expedition Carabiner is identical to the WS4 Expedition wristwatch we tested and reviewed back in August, 2009 in function and purpose. It offers the same functions such as an accurate digital compass, weather forecasting via barometric pressure reading, altimeter with graphic charts indicating your altitude reference points, and temperature. All the above and more, in addition to accurate digital time in two time zones ,and displayed both digitally and with the use of digital hour/minute hands.
Initially, we saw how much pure function and accuracy this WS4 offered in terms of value vs. a modest investment consideration. There are more expensive expedition watches that mountaineers stake their lives, and sponsorships, on. But there are not many expedition-grade watches that you can measure other expedition watches by. We measured several Expedition watches against our perceived accuracy of the WS4.
But that’s not what we are so excited to tell you about. Nope!
With the availability of this WS4 Expedition watch using the carabiner as the anchor device, this Timex becomes a one-handed, multi-function timepiece. And because the mountaineer is able to operate it with one hand, view it at a glance, and attach the WS4 away from the body, the temperature measurement is most accurate. On the wrist-watch version, you are compelled to deduct about 10-degrees of temperature (or Celcius) to get an idea of temperature.

When we had the WS4 wristwatch in the field, we would take it off or attach it away from the body, so body-heat wouldn’t distort the reading. With the WS4 Expedition Carabiner version, the temperature reading will be most accurate at a glance simply because the watch can be anchored on a pack shoulder harness or hip-belt at your side. So most of the information is available by simply using this watch like the old fashion pocket watch, sans the pure gold features, jeweled accents, and your father-in-laws boldly engraved initials.
Here’s the link to the original review on Timex WS3 Expedition watch we tested:
You can run through our evaluations as we took the watch through the paces. Just know this: The WS4 has been on just about every backpacking, hiking, four-wheeling blitz, road-trip, and general run amok in the mountains since that review. The WS4 is a reasonably priced timepiece and reliable enough to recommend to folks researching a backcountry, multi-function information devise.
By Rick Shandley
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