If your outdoor jacket isn’t as waterproof as it used to be, Granger’s One Step Wash & Waterproofer makes it easy to achieve full H20 repellency.
Outdoor apparel and gear are often treated with a waterproofing agent. Some are sprayed on while others are layered into the fabric. If your apparel isn’t as water proof as it used to be, chances are it has a water resistant coating that has faded over time and washings.
Recently, we were introduced to the Granger’s One Step Wash & Waterproofer formula, that makes it easy to restore the fabric’s water repellency. Granger’s formula is simply added to the wash and restores repellency, removes odors and is scent free.
Granger’s formula is residue free so it calmed our fears of any film left in the washer after we treated an three year old technical jacket that wasn’t repelling water like it used to.
Two capfulls of the One Step Wash & Waterproofer is needed to treat one jacket. We simply placed our jacket in the warm cycle, added the the One Step Wash & Waterproofer and waited until it was done. We tumble dried the jacket in low heat and took it out for a test. The water beaded off the jacket and didn’t soak in at all. In addition, the waterproofing didn’t leave behind any scent, and one 10 ounce bottle will treat up to four large jackets.

We took the jacket out on several hikes and trail runs in light rain after it was treated. The fabric didn’t irritate our skin and it remained water repellent during our tests. In addition, the fabric has maintained its repellency for more than a month, but it’s good to know we can re-treat the jacket when necessary.
Granger’s One Step Wash & Waterproofing formula retails around $14. For more information, visit: www.grangers.co.uk/US/
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