When people talk about their outdoor gear, most won’t include their socks in the conversation. But the right socks make a huge difference in comfort and how well you can perform in an outdoor environment, and should be an important part of your outdoor gear.
Dahlgren is one of many sock manufacturers who put a lot of effort into designing socks that provide moisture management and comfort for a variety of outdoor activities.
We practically live in outdoor socks, mostly because they’re comfortable and were constantly hiking, mountain biking, trail running or backpacking every chance we get. The Dahlgren Ultra Light Trail Sock proved to fit great and provide excellent moisture management during several hikes.
Many sock manufacturers use various forms of moisture managment that wick away and dry moisture from your fee. Dahlgren’s method, however, is quite unique, using a technolgy they call Dri-Stride. This involves channeling moisure away from the foot, with a combination of fibers that absorb, wick and ultimately evaporate moisture.
Natural fibers in the toe and heel (alpaca), soak up moisture and transfer it via a set of wicking rings and channels that are located in the arch and instep. The moisture is then directed to a combination of fabrics in the leg, which allow it to evaporate. It’s one of the most elaborate and “cool” moisture management systems we’ve seen and experienced.
The sock’s graphic designs aren’t just for good looks. They represent the cleverly positioned fabrics that when the sock is turned inside out, is clearly visible. Aside from the moisture management the Dalghren Ultra Light Trail Sock also features a deep heel pocket. This allows for a snug fit that doesn’t ride up your boot.

While this sock is an over the ankle design, it works well with ankle-high hiking boots and provides lightweight cushioning for light to medium hiking, trail running and mountain biking. We wore these during all-day 5-7 mile hikes across various terrain with lightweight fast hiking boots. Because they’re not overly thick you’ll need to wear them with properly fitting shoes or boots.
We also liked the wide ankle band that was comfortable and kept out dirt and small rocks. Because these socks also incorporate alpaca, they are incredibly soft on your feet and feel great. Dahlgren also has a variety of over-the-calf light hiking, moderately cushioned hiking and heavy cushioned backpacking socks. For more information, visit www.dahlgrenfootwear.com