KneeBindings quite possibly might be one of the most significant story’s in skiing for some time. Now there is proof that KneeBinding technology is effective at mitigating knee injuries in skiing.
During the four years since KneeBindings were first introduced, skiers using all other brands of ordinary bindings sustained an estimated 280,000 serious ACL injuries, including 210,000 “phantom foot” ACL injuries.
The injury rate has been about one serious ACL injury in every 1900 skier days. Over those same four years, KneeBinding skiers have accumulated at least 80,000 skier days. If KneeBinding skiers had the same injury rate as skiers on ordinary bindings, our bindings would have been involved in at least 42 serious knee injuries.
KneeBinding was specifically invented to solve the knee injury problem. We launched four seasons ago, and began winning awards and accolades right away. We have steadily improved the product, and won convert after convert. But there has always been that nagging issue of how to prove it really works.
So here’s the actual number: ZERO. Zippo! So far, no skier has injured a knee on KneeBindings. That means our customers have seen a 100 percent reduction in knee injuries – injuries that would have otherwise occurred if they had been using ordinary binding brands. If someone asks how many potential knee injuries KneeBindings have prevented, it is perfectly appropriate to respond, “All of them.”
Now – we still believe it is inevitable that, sooner or later, someone will injure a knee on KneeBindings. But these numbers prove, beyond any doubt, that KneeBindings are extraordinarily effective at mitigating the worst, and most frequent injury in skiing today. If anyone asks you if we can prove it – tell them we sure can.
As you probably know, 70,000 skiers injure an ACL each and every year. Knee injuries are the #1 in the sport, accounting for one of three reported injuries. More than 20 percent of the injured never ski again!
The downhill skiing industry hasn’t wanted to talk much about this – with good reason! But KneeBinding has found a way to mitigate the injuries without any pre-release issues. The KneeBinding patented technology is as effective at mitigating knee injuries as ordinary bindings were at mitigating broken legs when they first appeared more than 40 years ago.

Ok. It’s cool. You probably thought KneeBinding was still a little start-up. Guess what!
- KneeBinding generates the highest dollar margin of any brand of ski bindings (avg. $181/pr).
- KneeBinding now has approximately 300 retail partners in six countries and 36 States and Provinces.
- Despite inconsistent snow, reorders have been strong, and we are completely sold out for the season.
- The KneeBinding “Carbon” appeared as the second best-seller on REI’s web site for several weeks (out of some 40 different bindings) – until recently, when REI completely sold out of them!
- Many of our retail shops have already sold through.
- KneeBindings are incredibly durable and reliable – there are no warranty issues.
- KneeBinding has won every major award in the industry, from “Gear of the Year” to “Best Alpine Binding” to the recent “Fantasy Draft Skier’s Choice” award from Powder Magazine.
- The skiing industry recognizes KneeBinding’s ability to reduce knee injuries, as well as our excellent performance and retention.
- KneeBindings are technically advanced, and in demand by top skiers. More than 10-percent of KneeBinding sales this season have been to professionals (instructors, patrol, etc.)
News Flash!
Next season, KneeBindings introduce our best-looking KneeBindings ever – with sophisticated, textured styling and color, and with an expanded DIN range of three through 12 for all models.
Can you tell us more about next years changes? I’m trying to decide if I should buy this year’s closeouts (that i won’t use until next season) or wait for the new.
Btw, 4 years ago, after 30 years of skiing I switched to snowboarding after tearing a ACL, PCL and MCL. I’ve been following your products and will return to skiing next season because of it. I fell, and didn’t release, exactly the way that Kneebinding would have released.
Hi Nick,
Thank you for reaching out on the Knee Bindings. It would be best for you to contact the folks at Knee Binding directly. The information is below.
There site is http://www.kneebinding.com, and go to the “Contact Us” tab.
We think it’s great that you are motivated to get back into snow skiing on the notion that Knee Bindings will offer you protection you didn’t have in the past. But reach out to them first-hand to get there feedback on what changes are in store for Knee Bindings next year.
Rick Shandley
Contact information:
Steve Walkerman —— Steve.Walkerman@KneeBinding.com
George Couperthwait — George@KneeBinding.com
John Springer-Miller — JSM@KneeBinding.com
KneeBinding, Inc.
782 Mountain Road
PO Box 1416
Stowe, Vermont 05672 USA
Phone: +1 802-760-3026
Fax: +1 802 760-3031