As we head into the handful of days leading up to Christmas, we put together a wish list of sorts. All of the items below are available from several outdoor gear sources online. So even though we are on the countdown of the 12 days of Christmas, you can make it happen pretty quick if you order online.
Some of these outdoor products we have reviewed, and others are things we would like to have with us on some backcountry trip. Regardless of how enthusiastic you are about your outdoor lifestyle, we hope your are always willing to learn a little more about having fun while staying safe in the mountains, desert, and the countless adventures found along the ocean. The gear you have with you is critical in the wilderness, and the gear you choose to gift another person is just as important. Here’s some Holiday Gift suggestions, and we wish everyone a great Christmas, and the best New Year of your life.
Fun and free-spirited, the Space Walk Jacket is always up to do the dance. An insulated jacket with a longer cut, the completely seam-taped two-layer construction is made with our waterproof and breathable fabric and stuffed with warm Thermal R™ insulation. Designed with Angel-Wing Movement™ to allow easy range of motion, we stocked this jacket with venting PitZips™, a soft brushed collar lining and a zip-off hood with a laminated brim for optional protection when weather hits. MSRP: $325.00
Abbey Roast Specialty Coffee

This Gourmet Coffee is High-Altitude roasted and carefully prepared for you by Benedictine Monks of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, located high in the mountains bordering the Gila National Forest in southwest New Mexico.
100% Arabica Coffee Beans have been carefully selected from small, family-owned plantations located in the mountains of Nova Friburgo, Brazil. In 2010, these beans were awarded First Prize in the Rio de Janeiro Specialty Coffee Competition.
At the Abbey, they custom roast in small batches in order to bring out the best qualities of this exceptional coffee and deliver it to you fresh. Straight from the Abbey, AR is roasted to order and delivered weekly to your home or office. Abbey Roast is 100% Pure Mountain Grown Arabica Coffee that is also roasted, packaged and shipped from the Abbey’s upper elevation roost in the mountains of Southwest New Mexico. You might as well get yourself a nice burr or blade grinder because fresh roasted whole beans are the way to go for the best tasting coffee experience. Shipping is free for of three 12-ounce bags of coffee. The perfect gift for home or office. MSRP: Prices range from $10 to $13.00 depending upon the type of beans or blend of beans you want. You can reach out to the Abbey at: www.abbeyroastcoffee.com
GSI JavaGrind
Hand-crank coffee grinder (# 79485) has an adjustable, conical burr, ceramic coffee grinder that unlocks all of the flavor of your favorite beans. It’s better than blade-style grinders. The sturdy alloy handle nests and locks in place for easy packing. Stepped design allows grinder to seat directly on top of GSI Outdoors JavaPresses and most round containers. Locking cover and protective dust cap keeps everything clean. MSRP $24.95
Neve Arctic Zip Neck
A boldly patterned baselayer, our Arctic Zip Neck brings fashion to performance. Made from a Polyester Spandex blend, the Arctic Zip Neck wicks away moisture, keeping you cool and comfortable in your active lifestyle. Pair with the Cirque Pant and the Arctic Gator for a fun activewear outfit! MSRP: $108.00
Here is Kit Carson’s M16® Every Day Carry (EDC) with our glass filled nylon InterFrame build. Our knife users told us, “We want an affordable work knife that we can give hard use without feeling guilty, and one that won’t break us up if we leave it on a job site or drop it in the river.”
We heard you. So we set about to make the Z EDC the best value in the work and sport knife world.
That starts with textured glass filled nylon scales and a dual 2CR13 stainless steel liner InterFrame. Assembled with glass filled nylon back spacers and Torx® fasteners, the result is amazingly rigid. Glass filled nylon offers excellent toughness and resistance to solvents. Lubrous washers at the blade pivot and an adjustable pivot screw allow for perfect blade action.
The blade is 8CR15MoV high-carbon stainless steel which gives an ideal combination of toughness and edge-holding ability in a work knife, and also allows easy field-sharpening. MSRP: $49.99
Easton Carbon Compact5 Trekking Poles
The Easton Carbon Compact5 trekking pole is the advanced, light weight, super packable trekking pole to go anywhere. The patented Rock-Lock™ system for fast and hassle-free deployment, Premium ultra-light EVA ergo grip with grip extension, compact storage strap, advanced carbon fiber construction and highly durable braided stainless steel tether, make this product both easy to use and tough enough to take on the toughest conditions. These poles offer easy-adjust comfort wrist straps and replaceable ultra-light integrated baskets and carbide tips. MSRP: $149.00
Salomon Tour Jacket
If you’re looking for a lightweight jacket offering shelter and performance, you’ll find it in the Salomon Tour Jacket. Featuring Salomon’s ClimaPro Storm 3L technology (20k/20k waterproof/breathability), the Tour will stand up to any type of weather you throw at it while also being light and breathable – perfect for backcountry travel. NEW Fall/Winter 2013/14. MSRP: $300.00
Size: S, M, L, XL, 2XL
Fabrics: Climapro Storm 3L
Features: 1 arm pocket, 1 chest pocket, Waist adjustment, 2 hand pockets, Adjustable hood, Air vent system
Fit: Active
Weight: 430 grams
Drift Innovation Ghost-S Action Camera
Ideal for professionals and casual users alike, the Ghost-S is the most robust Drift camera to date with a leading-edge processor, Sony CMOS sensor and 7-element aspherical lens technology, making the Ghost-S capable of 1080p at 60fps and 12mp stills. Whether strapped to a helmet while snowboarding or shooting a documentary, the result is extraordinarily smooth, rich video in any condition. More additions to the Ghost-S include “Clone Mode,” where multiple Drift cameras can record simultaneously, and “Car DVR mode” for in-car and on-bike video security. MSRP: $399.00 ( driftinnovation.com )
Marmot Men or Women’s ThermalClime Pro LS Crew
Ideal for swift, light, reliable comfort, layer up with the highly breathable, ultra comfy ThermalClime™ Pro Long Sleeve Crew. By using Polartec® PowerDry® fabric technology that pulls and pushes moisture away, it efficiently manages sweat as you move while still maintaining ultimate warmth with little weight. Added stretch gives this next-to-skin layer a highly mobile, athletic fit. Flat-locked seams ensure chaff-free comfort. MSRP: $50.00
Take control of the sun with the lightweight, packable & convertible Sundial. The Easton Sundial is the lightest and most versatile convertible shade shelter on the market. A fast and easy shade shelter perfect for 2-6 people, the Easton Sundial M is low profile improving stability against wind and providing maximum shade. The convertible design allows the shade to be set up in a vertical position to direct the shade where you need it most. MSRP: $149.00
Bergans Stryn Jacket (Insulated)
The ultimate jacket for alpine touring and freeriding. Made of premium 2-layer Dermizax™ NX, a supple, 4-way stretch, waterproof, windproof and highly breathable membrane; and insulated with PrimaLoft® Eco. Also features durable, 4-way stretch polyester outer fabric for freedom of movement, extended back, fixed hood customized for helmets, laser cut and welded seams, and Recco® reflectors. MSRP: $529.00
- Front pockets, chest pocket, sleeve pocket, inner pocket and goggle pocket lined with mesh for extra ventilation
- Smooth durable YKK Vislon #5 zippers on main, pocket and underarm vent zippers
- Detachable snowskirt that can be combined with Bergans Sirdal ski pants to form a whole suit
- Front pockets designed to not interfere with the hip belt when carrying a pack
- Available in men’s and women’s models
The stylish Ambit2 S White comes with a soft, elastic strap for greater comfort on women’s wrists. This Suunto Ambit2 S is designed to fuel your passion for sports. Latest GPS in a light and sleek design with advanced features for running, biking, swimming and more. Thousands of Suunto Apps available to add new features to your watch. Perform at your absolute best – every time, everywhere. MSRP: $400.00
Randall Model-15 Airman
Randall knives are legendary, functional and beautiful cutting tools. The Model 15 Airman was designed in alliance with the U.S. Marine Equipment Board for the specific purpose of air crew survival in combat situations. You can have your loved one’s name engraved, and you can choose from several custom options that will make this a truly personal gift. MSRP: $375.00
MountainHardwear BMG Expedition Pack
The MountainHardwear BMG backpack is designed to meet the needs of professional guides. This lightweight pack handles huge, heavy loads using the Versatile Alpine suspension to provide outstanding stability, comfort and support. BMG has a low-profile FitLock hipbelt provides custom fit and outstanding support to ensure comfort with heavy loads, and a removable horizontal stay behind hipbelt provides enhanced load transfer. You’ll appreciate the highly functional Alpine Compression Strap System with glove-friendly buckles to secure overloads. This Alpine Compression Strap System effectively shrinks pack to minimal volume, and tucks away inside front panel pocket when not needed. MSRP: 4350.00
Salomon Halo Down Hoodie(Men’s or women’s)
Whether you’re shredding inbounds or out, layering is necessary to continue skiing at a high level and maintain comfort. Enter the Halo Down Hoodie. Lightweight, warm and windproof, the Halo Down Hoodie is an exceptional insulation piece (90/10, 650 fill) when worn under a hard shell, or a quality outer layer when conditions and activity permits.
Size: S, M, L, XL, 2XL
Fabrics: Down Eldeven 90/10, Fill power 650
Features: Waist adjustment, 2 hand pockets, Adjustable hood
Composition: Body (PA 100%), Filling (90% down, 10% feather)
Lining: PA 100%
Fit: Active fit
Weight: 390 Grams
NEW FW13/14, MSRP $250